Wednesday 7 September 2011

Taxi Driver (1976)

Repost from 30/07/08:

"One of these days I'm going to get myself organiz-ized!"
- Travis Birkle

The thing that struck me most watching Scorsese films is that it jumbles wanted impact. Jumble in a sense that you realize it's right. Jumble in a sense you know it's socially irrelevant but politically correct. Trying to hold on to social norms got me to think what's left but a mirror of our own view of humanity. And I stutter to believe that the government has something to do with this, and trying to comprehend that, I realize it's nothing more but a fallacy.

It's a strong movie, more that dwells into "my" own kind of people. People who are alone, sleepless, and itching to create ripples of changes in the world, those sorts of stuff. The end is something unexpected. And left me wanting to be the Travis Birkle that I hope I was, which for years now is left repressed deep within my subconscious. Maybe this is why men like this movie.

The only thing that makes me yawn about the movie (and all other retro movies of the '70s, '80s) is the background music and the way they portray 10-long-minutes of nothing but time-delaying scenes that show absolutely how characters experience boredom. I guess it's necessary for people watching to dwell more within the character itself.

Overall, it's a nice movie worth the hour and 40 minutes of time. But I believe this is more of a manly type of movie. The humor and caricature of the character is more directed towards the male gender.

Overall: 4/5

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